You can instruct RoboCup checks to automatically create missing checks on the first
received ping. To enable auto provisiong, use slug-based ping endpoints, and
append ?create=1
at the end:
# Do some work
sleep 5
# Send success signal to RoboCup checks
curl -m 10 --retry 5
In this example, RoboCup checks will look up project with the Ping Key my-ping-key
and check if a check with a slug srv01
exists there.
Auto provisioning works with all slug-based ping endpoints:
Auto provisioning is handy when working with dynamic infrastructure: if you distribute the Ping Key to your monitoring clients, each client can pick its own slug (for example, derived from the server’s hostname), construct a ping URL, and register with RoboCup checks "on the fly" while sending its first ping.
The checks created via auto provisioning will use the default parameters:
It is currently not possible to specify a custom period, grace time, or other parameters through the ping URL. If you need to change any parameters, you will need to do this either from the web dashboard, or through Management API.
Each RoboCup checks account has a specific limit of how many checks it is allowed to create: 20 checks for free accounts; 100 or 1000 checks for paid accounts. To reduce friction and the risk of silent failures, the auto provisioning functionality is allowed to temporarily exceed the account’s check limit up to two times. Meaning, if your account is already maxed out, auto provisioning will still be able to create new checks until you hit two times the limit.